Corporate Work Health Australia have a team of health professionals (osteopaths and physiotherapists) currently undertaking remote teleconference / telehealth home office ergonomic risk assessments for our corporate clients who have recently had to relocate from the office to the home as a result of COVID – 19. Many of these workers were literally given the day to pack their laptop and any other accessories and prepare to be working from home indefinitely, so you can imagine how some of these workers spent the first few days and perhaps still are working if they have not been given any advice, tools or resources to improve their set up.
Our step by step process to helping your workers:
Step 1: Worker books an online home office ergonomic assessment via our online booking calendar (we are open for business during normal business hours). We can also arrange for out of hours if a worker requires this due to a change in their work schedule.
Step 2: CWHA email the worker our self assessment ergonomic form. Worker completes this form and includes photos of their proposed or current workstation and accessories.
Step 3: Health professional (osteopath or physiotherapist) reviews the self assessment forms and photos.
Step 4: Phone / Skype / Zoom / Microsoft Teams online consultation with health professional (osteopath or physiotherapist). We provide feedback, ask additional questions relating to the job role, tasks to be performed, work environment and answer any questions relating to concerns the worker has.
Step 5: CWHA health professional provides written report to the worker/company outlining assessment findings, advice given and recommendations
So who will benefit from a working from risk assessment?
- Any workers with pre existing or current musculoskeletal complaints that have required an office workstation assessment
- Any workers who have now developed musculoskeletal symptoms as a result of working from home
- Companies who do not have any formal working from home policy or risk management system relating to working from home
How do you schedule an assessment?
- Individuals can book a consult via our webpage
- Companies with multiple workers should contact us directly on to chat to one of our health professionals and we will discuss your specific concerns and needs and customise a service that addresses these.
Take a look at the end result of one of our recent home workstation risk assessments

Note: Top photos are before. Bottom photos are changes made following risk assessment and implementation of recommendations.