Save Time, Money & Hire The Right Candidate The First Time Round By Undertaking A Pre-Employment Medical Assessment

Everybody wants to find employment and feel that they are making their way in the world as best they can. However, the process of looking for work often leads many candidates to apply for a variety of jobs and for work that they have little or no experience. The problem is that while on paper they may seem capable, they may be completely unsuitable for the position due to their physical capabilities or a pre-existing injury that puts them and their new employer at risk.

The pre employment medical assessment delivered by the team here at Corporate Work Health Australia is designed to make the process of hiring the right candidates for the right jobs that bit more transparent.

Our team is comprised of business owners and health professionals who understand the need for finding an employee that combines the best of intelligence with an aptitude for the position. As such, we believe that accessing the most pertinent information with regards to all aspects of the job that is to be carried out is essential and vital.

Pre-Employment Medical Assessments

Pre-employment Medical Assessment

Any business that hires new employees without gaining a complete sense of their capabilities fails in the duty of care they are expected to deliver to their workforce. Not only does it put your company at risk if a workplace injury occurs, and potentially cost you thousands of dollars, but it also limits your capacity for growth, productivity and profitability. What’s more, this oversight could put others at risk and give your company a bad name.

At Corporate Work Health Australia, we believe that the pre employment medical assessment is an essential tool that all employers in all industries should avail of. Our pre employment assessment and functional capacity evaluation are a series of tests that are designed to determine exactly how suitable your candidates are for the specific job that you are considering them for.

Injury prevention is a key component of the services that we deliver. Limiting MSK complaints is crucial, but this is made much more difficult where those that you hire are more at risk of incurring injury. Our tests will show whether a candidate is in good health, or if they are limited in their abilities, or if they have incurred previous injuries, which may increase their chances of being injured again.

What’s more, engaging in this practice as a standard part of your hiring process will give you the benefit of historical records that just might be useful should you suddenly receive a claim from an employee. The record will indicate their capabilities prior to taking the job and as such, in instances where false claims are made, they can be a key piece of information that could save a lot of money.
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Checking Employees’ Physical Fitness

Taking on new employees is always a risk since, no matter how exhaustive your interviewing techniques and how thoroughly you check details, you can never be really sure how they’re going to perform. One way of cutting down the risk is to conduct a pre-employment medical assessment that will at least prove they’re physically capable of carrying out the planned role.

This can be part of an overall assessment process that can check suitability for the job. However, this is probably the most important area since training can be given to correct gaps in knowledge, but physical failings are more difficult to rectify.

Varying Types of Assessment

We provide different types of medical assessments. The most common is a pre-employment assessment that aims to ensure a person has the physical ability to do the job without suffering harm. However, we also carry out assessments if a person is to be moved into another role that has different physical demands or provide periodic examinations to ensure someone still has the ability to continue doing a particular job. The initial pre-employment assessment provides a baseline against which any subsequent assessments can be compared to determine changes in capability.

All types have some common checks and we can provide additional options as needed. Some of these may be to suit the particular job requirements while others are to satisfy statutory demands for industries such as coal mining, rail, aviation and the processing of hazardous chemicals where health monitoring is necessary.

Customised Pre-employment Medical Assessment

The type of tests we undertake will be determined by your company needs, the specific demands of your industry or by statutory requirements. All are tailored to your particular needs and are intended to give exactly the level of results you require.

We fully realise we’re dealing with personal and sensitive information, so everything is handled in a confidential and professional manner. Our fully qualified and experienced therapists will undertake thorough assessments that ensure you can place people in roles that you are confident they are able to perform fully. Subsequently, they can be used to check and ensure the on-going health and well-being of your workforce, which will be crucial to making sure company productivity is maximised.

The health of your workers is important, and you have a duty

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Gaining Insight into Prospective Workers With A Pre Employment Medical

Our service is available throughout Australia and we only use high-quality practitioners. Our tailored services ensure that no matter what job you hope to fill, we can adjust the test to thoroughly assess your candidates and provide you with clear, objective insights into how best they are suited to the work, and the level of risk that you face in choosing to hire them.

So, if you are ready to take control of your hiring process and really gain a greater insight into prospective candidates our pre employment medical assessment is just one of the many ways that our team can add value. We invite you to get in touch with us today.

How to Carry Out Effective Pre Employment Medical Assessments

The employment process is different for each role in your business. While the differences between each job that you hire for may be slight, it is important to carry out a pre employment medical assessment on prospective new hires that is specific to the work that you will expect them to do. A key part of ensuring that you find someone capable of the work is consulting with those that will carry out the assessment so that a physical job description can be developed upfront.

At Corporate Work Health Australia, the series of tests that we carry out on each applicant identify their physical and functional capacity for the specific job they hope to land. The results from our test will confirm or deny whether the candidate is, in fact, capable of sustaining the job duties that will be required of them.

Human resource managers and those who will manage new hires must find a candidate that has the educational qualifications suited to the work and the relevant experience. Failure to determine the physical ability of a front-running candidate could prove costly in the long run. Underlying issues, past injuries or questionable health status could compromise their judgment and even impact on the effectiveness of others within the organisation. We use pre employment fuctional assessments to ensure candidates have the required skills to carry out their tasks so that businesses can save time and money by hiring the right candidate from the beginning.

Happy healthy workers

Why Big Picture Thinking is Essential & How Pre-Employment Medicals Help You Achieve That

As such, we always recommend to employers that they take a ‘big picture’ approach when looking at any prospective employee. We appreciate that the costs of simply going through the hiring process can quickly add up, so we want to help you keep these to a minimum and see the greatest return on the time and money that is invested.

Those not in favour of a pre employment medical assessment place the future of their company at risk. This may sound dramatic, but the reality is that an employee hired without any knowledge of their actual capabilities puts the health and safety of all those they work with at risk. Consider a manual labourer as an example, any inability to carry out physical tasks involving potentially hazardous materials or tools could result in serious injury or even a fatality.

The legal costs that stem from the resultant court proceedings could be incredibly damaging. What’s more, the reputation of the company will be damaged forever, making it difficult to secure contracts and hire the very best of staff. It may also result in increased scrutiny from policymakers to ensure future compliance.

Any employee hired for a role must have all the attributes to competently work alongside those that already complete these tasks. Those that cannot inevitably come into conflict with co-workers, which will create a stressful environment, in which accidents are more likely to happen. Any slump in production limits the capacity of your business to grow.

Our Reports Can Make Your Employment Process More Effective

Here at Corporate Work Health Australia, we work to deliver the best possible results for your company. We have engaged with employers across a diverse range of industries and created bespoke pre employment medical assessment solutions that ensured them the most insightful approach to the hiring process. Our services are available in all major cities such as Melbourne and Brisbane.

We address medical history, aerobic fitness, musculoskeletal assessment, manual material handling assessment, critical demands assessment, pre-qualifiers as well as pre-assessment information. Therefore, you are afforded the greatest level of detail to make an informed decision that will stand you in good stead as you welcome your new hire into the organisation.

Our Services


Pre-employment Functional Assessments

Risk Assessments

Manual Handling Risk Assessments


Ergonomic Assessments


Onsite Physiotherapy & Osteopathy

Manual Handling

Manual Handling Training Courses


Pre-employment Medical Assessment

Office Ergonomics Training Course

Office Ergonomics Training Courses


Manual Handling Train the Trainer Courses