Work From Home Risk Management
Ergonomic workstation assessments are becoming essential to profitability.
Incorrectly set up workstations and poor ergonomics impacts the health and safety of workers especially when working at home.
Ensure staff have a safe home office setup to reduce the risk of injury and costly compensation claims with our working from home risk management services.

Online Home Office Risk Management Services
Online home ergonomic workstation assessment options
Read about our online home office assessment options
Level 1 / ‘Basic’ 20 minute teleconference (video call only, no risk assessment form)
Description: 20 minute video conference call with our health professional discussing worker’s current workstation set up and concerns. Our health professional will make recommendations to improve the worker’s home workstation set up and provide workers with some tips to reduce their risk of developing any musculoskeletal discomfort.
- Summary report of main discussion points discussed and recommendations
- Access to CWHA free educational videos and educational handout
Individual Cost:
$ 70+GST (discounts for packages)
Level 2 / ‘Standard’ Teleconference, Self assessment form + Online 20 minutes Home Office Workstation Risk Assessment
The standard home office risk assessment is for workers without any current musculoskeletal concerns
This teleconference may include the following:
- Job task analysis / discussion of tasks worker will complete from home
- Review and discussion of worker’s current home office set up
- Discussion of current concerns and issues relating to worker’s home office
- Education on current physical set up and working behaviours
- Advice and prescription of appropriate movement strategies i.e. may include stretching, mobility and simple strengthening exercises
- Completion of self assessment form
- Review of self assessment form by health professional
- 1:1 consultation with health professional (20 minutes)
- Risk assessment report including advice and recommendations
- Access to CWHA free educational videos and educational handouts
Individual Cost:
$120+GST (discounts for packages)
Level 3 / ‘Detailed’ Teleconference, Self assessment form + Online 30-40 minutes Home Office Workstation Risk Assessment
The detailed home office risk assessment is for workers experiencing complex musculoskeletal complaints and/or multiple musculoskeletal complaints
This teleconference may include the following:
- Case history of worker’s complaint
- Job task analysis / discussion of tasks worker will complete from home
- Review and discussion of worker’s current home office set up
- Discussion of current concerns and issues relating to worker’s home office
- Education on current physical set up and working behaviours
- Advice and prescription of appropriate movement strategies i.e. may include stretching, mobility and simple strengthening exercises
- Completion of self assessment form
- Review of self assessment form by health professional
- 1:1 consultation with health professional (30-40 minutes)
- Risk assessment report including advice and recommendations
- Access to CWHA free educational videos and educational handouts
Individual Cost:
$220+GST (discounts for packages)

Face to Face Home Office Risk Management Services
Face to face home office ergonomic assessment options
See what face to face options we have
‘Standard’ in person 30-45 minutes home office ergonomic & safety risk assessment (worker HAS NO musculoskeletal concerns)
Case Example:
- Worker is currently working from home to perform work tasks as outlined in their current work contract.
- Worker is currently not experiencing any musculoskeletal complaints.
- Focus on assessing the home office work area and home environment to ensure it is safe and suitable for working from home.
- Includes recommendations for any changes or equipment required to maintain a safe workplace.
- Includes consulting with HR, Health & Safety Rep/Officer & management if required.
Assessment includes:
- 1:1 consultation with the worker at their home (Approximately 30 minutes consultation)
- Assessment of the workers current home office work area and home environment.
- Report provided including details of ergonomic workstation assessment and occupational health and safety risk assessment plus identified hazards.
Starting at $295+GST
‘Detailed’ in person 60-75 minutes home office ergonomic & safety risk assessment (worker HAS musculoskeletal concerns)
Case Example:
- Worker is currently working from home to perform work tasks that are part of their agreed working from home arrangement with the employer.
- Worker is currently experiencing musculoskeletal complaints, or has a previous history that requires specific equipment or workstation adjustment.
- Extended assessment per worker (approximately 60 minutes consultation) to ensure adequate time to discuss musculoskeletal history.
- Focus on assessing the home office work area and home environment to ensure it is safe and suitable for working from home taking into consideration the worker’s musculoskeletal history.
- Includes recommendations for any changes or equipment required to maintain a safe workplace for the individual worker’s needs.
- Includes consulting with HR, Health & Safety Rep/Officer & management if required.
Assessment includes:
- Individual consultation with their worker at their home regarding current musculoskeletal complaints/concerns, workstation concerns, job tasks performed and review of work area and home environment.
- Detailed report provided including details of ergonomic assessment and safety risk assessment plus identified hazards.
Starting at $425+GST
Book An Online Meeting With One Of Our Directors
Our directors have over 20 years experience! A online video call is recommended for organisations wanting multiple work from home assessments or customised training for staff who work from home regularly. Choose the state you require service delivery in via the buttons below to book a FREE online meeting or call and we will find a time that suits you.
1. Enquiry
Call, email or complete a form. Let us know what you want to achieve or the problems you are having.
2. Consultation
Phone, video call or face to face. We will discuss your needs, make some suggestions and provide a quote.
3. Assessment
Your assessment and/or training package is 100% tailor made to suit your needs, budget and service requirements.
4. Training
Onsite, online or both. Your personalised package is delivered by health professionals with extensive clinical and teaching experience.
5. Results
We have helped thousands of people at some of Australia’s top companies. Our team will work with you every step of the way to ensure you achieve the right results for your company and for your workers.
Manage Work From Home Health and Safety
We assist our clients in fulfilling their statutory obligations with the added benefit of work from home risk management and injury prevention by offering customised solutions that really work for their ‘people on the ground.’
All of our consultants are fully qualified practicing health professionals. Their extensive knowledge of anatomy and the body’s response to work related musculoskeletal stress makes them an invaluable source of advice for injury prevention, working from home injury management and rehabilitation as well as improving your companies all round efficiency.
Our work from home risk management consulting process is an effective way of identifying risks and developing controls in the home workplace. It encourages a cooperative approach to work from home health and safety while recognising the decision making role of the employer.
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Managing people with injuries
An employer has a responsibility to provide a safe workplace for all employees. This responsibility is still important even if the worker sustained their injury before they started with your company or the worker was recently injured outside the workplace and their duties may aggravate their condition causing worse or more long term concerns.
Who is Responsible for Health And Safety?
The employer is responsible for the protection of the occupational health and safety of staff who work from home as well as office-based workers. This duty cannot be delegated to the worker, even though your employer is not in your home and cannot control what goes on there.
How to manage risk when working from home?
Provide training for workers to ensure their home working environment has been appropriately set up. Give workers emergency working from home management information, in case they encounter a hazard or incident. Ensure the ability to regularly communicate with your workers who work from home.
Musculoskeletal risks
These can be associated with slips, trips and falls. As such, a home workspace should be kept free of hazards which may cause this.
Occupational risk
Consider work hours and breaks. Work from home occupational safety, physical environment such as heat, cold, lighting, electrical safety and home hygiene. Poorly managed organisational change and job insecurity. Ineffective communication and a lack of support from management or colleagues.
Psychosocial Risks
Risks such as isolation, reduced social support from managers and colleagues, fatigue, online harassment, domestic violence. Other responsibilities around the home such facilitating online learning or caring for children.
Our work from home risk management assessments ensure you have a written record of your duty of care to provide a safe workplace and modify a worker’s job tasks if needed to accommodate their current situation or pre-existing injuries.
Organisations Who Trust Our Work From Home Risk Management

























Free Basic Ergonomic Risk Management Evaluation
Answer a few questions and receive a free online consultation with one of our highly experienced occupational health professionals
Work From Home Risk Management Benefits For Companies
- Educate yourself or your team on home office ergonomics best practice and how to optimise a home workstation set up
- Prevent injuries with risk management while working at home
- Ensure you or your team who have pre-existing musculoskeletal complaints or specific needs are set up correctly to avoid aggravation of those complaints
- Ensure the home is appropriate to complete work from i.e. identify other hazards and risks away from the home office workstation that could cause injuries
- The workplace has a duty of care to ensure a safe work environment and that you have the appropriate work tools and training. The home environment now must be considered as the workplace.
Work From Home Risk Management Benefits For Employees
- Reduced aches and pains from completing computer based work from the home
- Implementation of appropriate equipment if required for appropriate work at home risk management
- Record of consultation to ensure flexible work arrangements are safe
- Employee and company working together to ensure home is safe for work
- Any work from home issues are highlighted early rather than later
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you assess my team working from home across the country?
Yes our online work from home assessment platform allows us to efficiently assess large numbers of workers right across Australia
Can you assess just one of my staff working from home?
Absolutely, we are happy to assess one staff member only.
Will you make recommendations for equipment staff may need working from home
Yes, all work from home reports will include recommendations for any equipment each individual would benefit from.
Can you assist high risk workers?
Yes we can absolutely assess your high risk workers. This may be workers who have a pre-existing injury or condition that predates their employment with your company or workers who are attending current treatment for their condition.
What are my training and supervision responsibilities?
Your business must provide workplace health and safety training to your workers. You need to provide your workers with information about: potential risks associated with their work, the safety policies and procedures you have in place, how to work safely; and how to deal with emergencies.
Whose responsibility is it to provide equipment for work from home?
This should be agreed on in your work from home policy. Some companies provide a budget for ergonomic equipment, others the responsibility is put onto the workers, while others share the costs with their team members.
Questions & Free Quotes